Feedback Thoughts

How to Get Past Negativity Bias in Order to Hardwire Positive Experiences this is the first article I chose to read. This talks about how we are very negatively evolved with our brains taking in more of the negative stuff around us rather than the positive. Which I think is really accurate as many people put themselves down for the work and have a constant feeling of it not being good enough or not having confidence in yourself. As I know I really do struggle with those things. This post teaches you how to re-hard wire your brain to take in more of the positive mindset. I found that some of them were very useful and interesting ways of  trying to change your mindset

Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it this is the second article I chose to read. I found this quote really interesting "The greatest damage rejection causes is usually self-inflicted. Just when our self-esteem is hurting most, we go and damage it even further." As I said in the first paragraph I find most people put themselves down which furthers the problem with rejection. Affecting everything in your life from mental state to day to day activities. The same part of the brain that gets activated is the same part that gets activated for pain. It says to have zero tolerance for self criticism. I feel like this would be a hard plan to put into place as most people do it without realising.

We all face rejection


  1. Nice blog, man! I like the detail you went in about rejection. Can be difficult for some to cross that hurdle of rejection but I think sometimes rejection is important so the person can focus on getting better.


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