Unity Free Tutorials

First Tutorial
Second Tutorial
Third Tutorial

My tutorials I have chosen are for building a city as my game will based in a small city scape. This is one third of the tutorials to have a complete city built to a small scale. The start of the first tutorial was mainly a run through of how to use unity 5 the end started off on the shape of our buildings and the path and the road. I then applied textures of them to make them look like how they are meant to. It was good to see how to do a continuous pattern for the path. The third and final tutorial showed how to add textures to the shapes to make them look like shop fronts and buildings. It was smart and quick work to have the same textures all the way around as you can only see the front of the shop. From then on it was simply copy and pasting after the new texture. This was quick and easy but made a huge difference to my game as it made it look more fitting to the game design I had envisioned and was hoping for.

City Scape


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